A chronological view of my life as it happens. For no ones benefit, except for my own amusement.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

BRAG's Spring Tune Up

As I arrived in Madison, GA for the BRAG Spring Tune UP on Thursday, April 15, my car died as I exited the ramp. Called AAA and got towed to the car repair shop by the tow company authorized by AAA. An employee helped me unload my “stuff” into his pick up truck and took me to the Heritage Park where BRAG camp site was located for the event Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun. After lugging all my gear to a shady spot behind a row of Leland Cedars and dumping my tent out of its stuff sack …. Low and behold, I had left my tent poles at home. So, there I was unable to erect the tent, no car and distraught.
Thanks to two guys who had set up next to me from Michigan, they took me to Wal-Mart to buy another tent (that makes three tents I now own!). The car shop called and told me my timing belt had broken and being a special type of engine, it could mean bent valves and a $1,500.00 repair job! This is becoming a very bad day! After a brief discussion, decided to replace the timing belt, turn the car on and see if it skipped because of valve damage. So, late Friday, I found out this approach worked, the valves were not damaged and the repair was ONLY $282.00.
You may have read my last post about a bicycle crash I had the previous Saturday. Still recovering from bruises and a head injury my riding on the Spring Tune UP was a test, since my doctor had cleared me to ride from the second CAT scan of my head showing no brain injuries (but still had a headache all week). The ride Friday was from 20 to 60 miles depending on choice. I chose the 20 mile ride and had a terrible time with the hills, my right arm was painful from the shoulder laceration and bruise, broke open the road rash on my right knee and in general was exhausted getting back to camp. I was not ready for riding, that’s for sure. Saturday, I went out 5 miles and returned to camp, still suffering and decided to pack it up and return home and get some more “recovering”!
As I was packing up, it dawned on me, what the heck do I need three tents? A young man and his Son had set up next to me and the Son had a new road bike for his birthday next week. So, I gave them my tent to replace a smaller tent they had been using. Left a note in their tent since they were out on the route. Got a nice than you note from them yesterday! Sean’s Son, Liam, is really into riding and his picture sent by his Dad is on the post. Happy Birthday, Liam!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring! Bicycling crash!

As I was finishing up a 25 mile bicycle ride and passing Holly’s home, I had 24.1 miles on my odometer, so I took a short loop ride on Pelham Street to add another mile to get 25 miles. As I was less than 200 years back to Holly’s, I hit a small rotten limb in some leaves and went down hard. My head must have hit the curb as the fall knocked me out. While I had my helmet on properly, the hit was next to my right eye just below the helmet. Never remember much except I knew I was falling. The next thing I knew The Landings First Response Team was helping me up and asking me questions about where I was and did I live at The Landings. I knew I was at The Landings, but didn’t know where. When I told them I stayed at 3 Westferry Ct., they said well, that’s right there across the street. I did not recognize the area, so my brain was shaken up some. Someone must have driven by, saw me lying along the curb, motionless and called the team.
Later after I holly and I went to a pet store the hematoma next to my right eye had started to bleed, so Holly took me to Candler Hospital Emergency Room to get checked out. Two hours later after a CT scan revealed no cranial bleeding and no broken facial bones, I was released. The doctor (also a bicycle rider) glued the wound that was bleeding and told me to stay off the bike until my prime physician says it was ok to ride again. He also said I should be OK to do BRAG’s Spring Tune Up this weekend.
The lesson I seem to not learn yet, is to pay attention and keep your eye on the road. These kinds of accidents happen in a flash and you are down before you know it!
By the way, this morning, my right eye is about completly closed from swelling more overnight. And the Doc says my face will turn blue on the right side, more ugly than my normal face!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

It's Spring! Time for bicycle riding!

Temperature in the 80's now and have started riding my bicycle in earnest to improve my health, lose weight and enjoy the scenery. Saturday 4/3 I did the Metter, GA ride of 25 miles, Sunday, Monday and today I did 10 to 14 miles each day. Getting my blood sugar under control, too! These pictures were taken today of pear trees, azalea bloom, dogwood and a Blue Heron on a pond I passed.