A chronological view of my life as it happens. For no ones benefit, except for my own amusement.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Late afternoon photo's

Always been told late afternoon are the best for color photography. While sitting in Holly's living room, thought I would give that idea a try and photograph an image from her deck overlooking the marsh behind her home. In the background is a pink home with a gazebo on the marsh for sale at $2 Million or there abouts. Also is the green of the 3rd hole on Plantation golf course. The marsh grass will all turn brown after the first frost, now brown in the foreground stays brown all year because very little water reaches this area even on high tides. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Also, wish Holly's Son, Doug a Happy Birthday today!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Harvest of Hope Ride, Oct 18, 2008

It's always my pleasure to volunteer as support driver with my van and trailer for this ride to raise money for the Harvest of Hope a retreat run by Memorial Health in Savannah. The ride developed by a great guy named Patrick Booton and his lovely wife, La Verne. A two time cancer survivor, Patrick cannot swallow food due to surgery and must feed himself through a tube to his stomach, every year he rides the entire route between Augusta and Savannah, 140 miles on this day. This year about 75 riders raised money to ride with Patrick in cool weather with great rest stops. Everyone was able to ride with a police escort as they finished the ride into Savannah and to the Memorial Health area in Savannah. The picture was made at the first rest stop yesterday. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Summers Grand Finale in Holly's Garden

These Daisy like flowers come up in early Spring and grow all Summer, blooming in October when every thing else has faded or stopped blooming. They grow to almost 10 feet in height. Their roots spread under ground to the point a neighbor pulled all of this same plant up because they were growing out of control. Click on the picture to enlarge it, to see how some stalks have literally entwined themselves in the upper reaches of the Japanese maple!
It rained after I took this picture and they were mostly bent over, so we used trimmer line to tie them back up.

Monday, October 06, 2008

A Visit to East Tennessee

This past week I drove to Peachtree City near Atlanta to my Son Rick's home to join he and his son-in-law, Jason for a trip to East Tennessee. Rick is in process of re-building a cabin he bought in a gated community on Norris Lake (Fountain City Sportsman's Club, formerly a hunting club, now a private community) which is about 30 miles North of Knoxville. Rick has added a room on the back and in the process, creating a basement also). The deck railing is in-complete and the porch covered to the extreme left will be screened in. The intention was to work on the cabin and attend the UT vs Northern Illinois football game, but hauling away a lot of trash to the nearest County dump and installing a HDTV and power antennae took more time than planned (One picture is the living room showing the neat HDTV). We did get to the football game where UT eked out a 13 to 9 victory over what was supposed to be a breather (Picture of team running out of locker room through the Big "T". Tough year in the SEC for Tennessee and my school Auburn Univ. It was great to be in Neyland Stadium and hear about 98,000 fans screaming!

Who will you vote for as President of USA???

Before you decide to vote for in the USA Presendential Election, if you haven't already, please look at this video before you vote. It may change your vote!
