Leaving tomorrow morning for Florida Safari, a six day bicycle event in the Panhandle of Florida. This will be my sixth year attending this my favorite week long bicycle ride. Staying three days in Live Oak at the County Fair Grounds where I sleep in the gym with others too lazy to erect a tent and too cheap to pay for a motel room. Then Monday, we move to Cherry Lake 4H Camp where I will have a air conditioned cabin that I share with others who are on the good side of George, the Executive Director of the sponsoring Club, the Florida Freewheelers of Orlando.
Food is by Dixie Grill (picture of the dinner in line in 2005 eager for this great food) and they put on the best food for breakfast and dinner that you could possibly imagine. One night as a pre-dinner snack, they boil white corn in their husk, we peel the husk back when done, dip it in a big jar of water with about 2" of butter floating on the top ... Oh my, it's delicious.
The last night Dixie Grill smokes ribs all night long and serves with beans, salad and your choice of a very large bowl of different kinds of ice cream. I bicycle 200 miles this week and gain 5 pounds .... Ride, eat big time and sleep for six days ... Heaven!