Bubbafest, The Ice Breaker, Day 4

We had a rest day this day in Key West. I had brought my Trek Hybrid bicycle, so I got all my gear together and rode it to the part of Key West where the tourist visit. Got lost, but found several things I wanted to see. One, the Southernmost Point in USA (see picture) where another tourist was kind enough to take this shot with my camera. Departed here and rode out to the beach at Zachary State Park, then to Mallory Square area where I visited the Mel Fisher Museum (sp) of his treasure recovery. After looking for Harry Truman's Little White House and not finding it, I decided to pedal back to my campsite and relax for the afternoon. Later two friends and I went to the piers and had a pretty good dinner at Turtle Krawls. But first, we went to their Tower Bar had an appetizer and a few drinks while observing schooners, big catamaran and very large power boats enter and leave this harbor on the way to watch yet another sunset.
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