A chronological view of my life as it happens. For no ones benefit, except for my own amusement.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ego Boost!

I got a call a few weeks ago from a person asking about the Historic Savannah Bikefest I used to organize. After talking a few minutes, she had an interest in doing a story on my diabetes, bicycling events and my age (82 in November).

The resulting story was printed this week in the August/September Issue. The picture is of me on the cover of this magazine distributed widely throughout Effingham County near Savannah where I live.
Big ego boost!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Second Day of my commitment

Welcome to my second day of committing to riding my bicycle to lose weight and get my blood sugar under control. Most every day I will post a picture taken during the ride. Today was 10 miles, will try and do that every day, about an hour through The Landings a great place for bicycling! This video was taken on the East Marsh, in the distance and not visible behind a barrier island is the Atlantic Ocean.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Bike ride alone this morning

My blood work came back this week and my new doctor says I need to start thyroid pills to help lose weight, ride my bicycle more often and watch my diet. Blood sugar was 295, way too high. So today, I start riding every morning very early. This morning, stopped along the way to get this picture of my bicycle and the 7th green on the Plantation course, one of 6 golf courses at The Landings. Did about 30 minutes of riding, Will go more tomorrow and work up to an hours ride daily. Great place to ride!