A chronological view of my life as it happens. For no ones benefit, except for my own amusement.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Jingle Bell Ride, Jekyll Island, GA 2007

While this year's Jingle Bell Ride on Jekyll Island had fewer riders than ever because of the cold and blustery weather, these people who did come really did a good job decorating bicycles, them selves and the three dogs they brought. This family and their friends pictured lives in Atlanta and owns Peachtree Pest Control. The owner brought his souped up golf cart that had a CD player that played Christmas music as he followed the Kids Ride to the Historic District for the Christmas Tree Lighting Festival providing a great "ride into the Christmas spirit" event!
His dog (pictured) wore elf boots, elf jacket and reindeer horns with pride!
It was a pleasure to do this fun event. This was my last event since I am transferring all three events to another party as of today, November 27, 2007. I will do tours in Florida in the future, as well as, weekend tours within driving distance of Savannah and local half day tours in Savannah for tourist. Events are a year long planning chore, whereas, tours are less work and a lot more fun.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bubba Keys Bikefest

Again, Bubba does it best with his Keys Event! The highlight (except for the best end of the road party I have ever attended) was when Bubba rented three open air trolleys to take us on a tour of Key West. The picture above will give you an idea how much fun we had, as everyone was given a Flamingo Hat to wear. That's Bubba standing up in the right background, as we all shouted "It's All Good!" Our dinner that evening was at the Turtle Krawl Restaurant where we had e a choice of fish, pork or chicken. Then after dinner introduced me for my 80th Birthday, saying he wasn't going to tell my age, but he saw me lingering at the 80 mile marker.
Later after dinner all 120 of us strolled down to Duval Street with these silly hats and became the hit of the evening on Key West's busiest street chock full of tourist. Our Flamingo Hats were a big hit, some people offering $20 to $50 for one of our hats!
This event where I cycled just over 200 miles from Sunday to the next Saturday with one day layover in Key West was really a great ride. A little traffic where a bike path was missing was the only draw back, but the end of the road party made it all worth while.
Good job, Bubba!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Bubba's Key West Event

Today, I leave for Florida taking two days to reach Key Largo, Florida where we begin Bubba's event riding from Key Largo to Key West and back beginning on on Sunday and ending the following Saturday. Bubba never gets to rest much like he is resting in the above picture! With 100 riders he and his staff of several people will be too busy! But, the picture certainly shows how the rest of us who will be riding only about 35 miles a day will enjoy a very leisurely ride with a bunch of sites to see along the way, plus two nights in Key West to see the Sunset, eat great seafood and see the other historic sites in this city literally in the ocean!