A chronological view of my life as it happens. For no ones benefit, except for my own amusement.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 9/11

Wanting to do something to announce my feelings of the losses on 9/11 when the terrorist struck USA, I hung this flag and sign on the front of my townhome this morning around day break. Our association rules do not allow this type thing and I am on the Board of Directors of the Towne Park Home Owners Association, but will not take it down until sun set tonight. Even if I get a complaint. It's to show my sympathy for the over 3,000 lives lost by these guys who kill innocent women and children with glee and my feelings in support of George W Bush as he hunts them down one by one and brings them to justice. Most people don't think we are at War, but we are at War and will win eventually.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Historic Savannah Bikefest

The 2006 Historic Savannah Bikefest took place on September 2-3, 2006 in Savannah Georgia. The 24th year for this event had rides in Gillisonville, SC on Saturday and 25, 36, 50 and 100 mile routes on Sunday. Just under 400 people signed up and enjoyed better weather than usual as the temperature reached only 94 during the afternoon on Sunday with a heat index well below the average. The pictures shown here include one of three kids who rode the 33 mile Gillisonville route on Saturday with their Dad's. A great way to experience a family outing. One picture is three members from the Coastal Bicycle Touring Club, Vikki, Franz and Will who rode the Gillisonville Saturday ride. Other picture is the rest stop manned by two good friends (Dave Renton and Bob Skiljon, two long time members of the Savannah Striders) at the last rest stop for the 36, 50 and 100 milers.
Next year will be the 25th year and hopefully we will have some major sponsors and afford to provide jerseys as an option when people register.