Bobby Nathez Ride, Day #2

Today the ride was 110 miles from Kosciusko, MS to Tupelo, MS. Weather turned cooler overnight an d when I started at 7:00am it was a very cool 49 degrees. I got ten miles out, was very cold and got in the SAG wagon. These people think Came to watch them ride and to eat. Charles Fox drove SAG today and made lunch you wouldn't believe! Had Okra Gumbo on ride he brought for the trip frozen. Thawed it out on two camp stoves and fed these hungry bicyclist as they arrived at the 70 mile point. It had warmed up and everyone was complimentary of Charles work! Earlier we stopped at French Camp, MS where French Camp Academy is located. My grandfathers brother was head master here as well as my great Aunt Mattie. There was a hall built and named Sanderson Hall for them, but now has been torn down for a better building.
The featured rider today is Larry Pierson, retired from Alabama Dept of Mental Health, a very strong bicycle rider and usually is up front with the fast guys. Larry is featured today because he and I have been kidding each other. Larry is a Univ of Alabama with BS and MS degrees in Socail Work and Special Education and I am graduate of there biggest rival, Auburn University. Larry knows quite well the meaning on "7" and says things will turn around soon. He is probably right. He lives under the shadow of Denny Chimes in Tuscaloosa, AL.
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