Bubbafest, The Ice Breaker

Meet Bubba Barron, my friend and a fellow member of the National Bicycle Tour Directors Association. Bubba, in exchange for using my 17 passenger van, is allowing me to ride his "The Ice Breaker" bicycle ride from Key Largo, Florida to Key West and back. This six days of bicycling will be along the highway between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. The distance is 120 miles to Key West and 120 miles back. We layover one day in Key West to explore the island and of course to watch the Sun set from the furthermost point South in the USA. Bubba is a celebrity of sorts, as after he retired from the St Louis Mo Police Department, he rode a recumbent bicycle from the coast in Virginia to the coast in Oregon by himself. Now that's a feat! If you want to enjoy a week vacation, attend one of Bubba's events or tours, you will not regret his Pampering, nor his stories and the entertainment he alone provides! As he says, "IT'S ALL GOOD!"
Check him out at:
Wow! That sounds like a fun trip.
10:54 AM
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