Florida Trails Tour, Feb. 2009

This may be my last Florida Trails Tour due to me age (81) and the need to slow down. Probably will do only long weekend tours out of Savannah and for the occasional tourist who may wish a historic bicycle tour of Savannah. This group is probably the nicest group I have ever had on my Central Florida Tour of paved trails. From Guy Anderson who had just had an halo removed from a broken neck and also a cancer survivor to Paul Shearer who brought his autistic son, to Linda and Bill Wolk who are a great couple, to Gary and Carolyn who attended this the fourth tour they have been with me and last but not least, my good friend, Ed Jewell who rode with the people while I drove the support van, who performed a very necessary leader each day who gets lost from time to time, but always finds the way!
The pictures herein are leaving the Central Motel the first day to ride the Withlacoochie Trail, at the West end of the West Orange Trail at Clermont water front park, Ed Jewell wrapped in a space blanket after volunteering to wait for Paul to bring his car back to get his tandem while Ed watched it. All riders got in the support van after being soaked by a heavy down pour on the Suncoast Trail near Brooksville, FL. The group photo is at the North end of the Pinellas Trail in Tarpon Springs, FL. And the picture of the dessert at a cafe in Winter Garden where we stopped for lunch at a very nice deli.

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