Historic Lloyds Neck, NY

This house was completed in 1767 for Joseph Lloyd a descendant of James Lloyd from Boston. The map you can find by clicking on the link below is of Lloyds Neck where the whole peninsula was deeded to James Lloyd by the English. This home is thought to have been barracks for Loyalist. Also the home was rented by Charles Linburg before WW II. Restored to it's post-revolutionary state, it was opened to the public as a museum in 1982. It was given to the Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiques.
Map of Queensland today. We are staying in a private home across the road from this museum.
Map of Queensland today. We are staying in a private home across the road from this museum.
This entire peninsula was the original grant, I could not find the number of acres, but I would guess well over 3,000. Marshall Fields built a mansion on this land mass and it is now Caumesst State Park and about 700 acres alone.
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