Me at a restaurant in Cumberland near the terminus of the C&O Canal. WEather here a LOT cooler than Savannah, we wouldn't be able to stand the heat if we ate outside in Savannah!

Holly standing near a statue of a mule and a boy. A team of two mules pulled barges from Washington, DC to Cumberland loaded with coal and other goods. The C&O canal connects with the Allegheny Passageway to
Pittsburgh, 330 miles of bicycle riding.

Downtown Cumberland, MD where they have closed a street and made a park. Grandson David IV works in the restaurant at left front where we had dinner Tuesday night.

Picture taken from our room of Lake
Habeeb and a bass fisherman on the lake. Watched him catch a bass which he threw back.

Our brief stay in Cumberland and Rocky Gap Lodge comes to an end this morning as we leave for Binghamton, NY 330 miles away. Dave (my oldest Son), Susan and Chip were very, very gracious host as they made us feel right at home, dining and wining us royally!
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