Bicycling on Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, GA

While one has to have proper identification to obtain a pass and enter this US Army base located in mid-town Savannah, it's well worth the time and effort to ride your bicycle here. Most every Tuesday and Thursday, a group of men who are 70 years old or older (They call themselves Age in Motion Riders, "AIM" for short), ride about 25 miles on the perimeter road at this base. Today, Pat Mango (86 years old), Jerald Pollack (78 years old) and myself (78 years old) were joined by three very nice ladies. They were from Riedsville, GA; Summerville, SC and New Hampshire. Pictured here riding out to Lott's Landing Marina and recreation area for this US Army base at about the 10 mile marker of the 20 miles we did today.
what's a good route to take inside the base? I'd love to try a ride there, but I can't find any decent maps with street names.
9:48 AM
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